Does Acupressure For Labor Work?

Are you tempted to you use acupressure and would like to find out how to use acupressure for labor as well as if it really works? I am sure you have come across many articles promoting the use of maternity acupressure for labor, but does it really work? Where is the scientific evidence? Well, there has been research carried out on maternity acupressure and here it is.

Read a review of Easier, Shorter and Safer Birth using Maternity Acupressure by Dr. Lena Leno.

Is self inducing labor possible with maternity acupressure?

A recent study in the Complementary Therapy and Medicine Journal, 2005 used acupressure on a group of women who were near or past their due date and compared them to a control group of women with similar due dates who were not given acupressure. The results showed that women in the acupressure group went into labor naturally and significantly more often than the women in the control group who were not using any acupressure techniques.

A study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2004 revealed that by stimulating one single pressure point, the labor pain was signficantly reduced. This study also showed that the total labor time (measured from 3 cm dilatation to delivery) was much shorter in the labor acupressure group than in the control group.

The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Journal published a study that showed that there was a reduced risk of medical interventions and Caesarians in women using acupressure techniques.

Maternity Acupressure is simple, easy and very effective. It has been proven to be safe by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US National Institutes of Health (NIH).

It can be used on anybody and can be adjusted to suit the individuals needs. Whats more it can be used by yourself! You wont have to rely on others or drugs. Self inducing labor with acupressure is safe, effective and natural.

Find out where your acupressure points are and start learning the technique with this step by step, easy to use guide complete with illustrations and photos.

To get your copy click here.

Scientific references:
Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 1998
Obstetrics and Gynecology 1974
Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2001
Complement Ther Med. 2005
J Altern Complement Med. 2004
Journal of Chinese Medicine 1999
J Midwifery Womens Health 2003
J Nurs Res 2003