How To Bring On Labour

Are you wondering how to bring on labour? Having a baby can be a physically stressful experience especially if you are in your last stage of pregnancy and have gone past your estimated delivery date (EDD).

You may be feeling anxious at the thought of having a medical induction. Don't worry, you are not alone. The majority of women would rather self induce labour than have a medical induction. There are a variety of reasons for this, but the main reason for inducing labour naturally is to allow the body to remain as balanced as possible. The introduction of medications and drugs is not a natural trigger for the body and will inevitably cause a hormonal imbalance.

This is demonstrated with the use of Pitocin (a synthetic version of Oxytocin). Because it was not produced naturally by the body, the body does not release any endorphins (natural painkillers) at the same time. In normal circumstances the production of Oxytocin goes hand in hand with endorphins and acts as a form of natural pain relief.

If you would like your labor to be as natural as possible, try a natural trigger such as maternity acupressure.

In 2005 the Complementary Therapy and Medical Journal published a study on women using acupressure for the induction of labor. They found a significant higher number of women into labor in a shorter space of time and with more frequent and efficient contractions with the use of acupressure. Acupressure helps the baby descend aiding in the ripening and dilatation of the cervix and increasing the frequency of contractions.

Maternity acupressure also plays a major role in pain relief during labor. In 2004,The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published a study showng that stimulation of one single pressure point can reduce labor pain significantly. In addition, acupressure does not slow down the labor process hence reducing the risk of complications to the baby, unlike medical forms of pain relief (e.g. epidurals).

Probably the simplest and most effective method for inducing labor naturally, maternity acupressure is a must try for any expectant mother.

Read a review of Easier, Shorter and Safer Birth using Maternity Acupressure by Dr. Lena Leno.

With simple basic instructions on where the pressure points are and how to apply pressure to them, you can safely use maternity acupressure at home to naturally induce your labor, relieve labor pain and reduce the complication risk at labor.

Start learning the techniques now with this easy to follow, step by step guide complete with illustrations. Click here to find out more.

Acupressure is now a recommended method of self inducing by midwives and health professionals.