Does Castor Oil Induce Labor?

Are you hoping to induce labor naturally and avoid having a medical induction? If so then you must have come across the use of castor oil to induce labor. Before you subject yourself to the unpalatable task of slurping down castor oil you may want to find out if the is any proof that it works. Does castor oil induce labor?

Castor oil is a vegetable oil obtained from the castor bean. Castor oil is tasteless and odorless when pure and its uses include skin problems, burns, sunburns, skin disorders, skin cuts, and abrasions. The oil is also frequently used as a rub or pack for various ailments, including abdominal complaints, headaches and muscle pains.

The theory behind using castor oil to induce labor is that it causes intestinal cramping and diarrhea. This stimulates the uterus which can then cause contractions. This will not be effective if your body is not already close to labor and the cervix has not dilated. Nausea is likely to be an immediate effect and this can be followed by diarrhea. This leads to an increased risk of dehydration. Because of the unpleasantness and risk involved this method of inducing labor is not highly recommended.

Most methods of inducing labor only have an effect when the mothers cervix is already dilated. The only proven method of effectively inducing labor naturally and actually aiding in dilating the cervix is acupressure.

Maternity acupressure encourages descent of the babies head, putting pressure on the cervix and promoting dilation of the cervix. It also causes the release of hormones, oxytocin and prostaglandins needed to start contractions.

Read a review of Easier, Shorter and Safer Birth using Maternity Acupressure by Dr. Lena Leno.

Does acupressure induce labor? By using acupressure to induce labor women went into labor more quickly, had a shorter labor period, reduced stress levels and reduced complications. This has been researched and published in Complementary Therapy and Medicine Journal, 2005.

Acupressure has also been used as a means of relieving labor pain significantly. A study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2004 revealed that by stimulating one single pressure point, labor pain was significantly reduced.

Start learning the techniques now with this easy to follow, step by step guide complete with illustrations. Click here to find out more.

Read a review of Easier, Shorter and Safer Birth using Maternity Acupressure by Dr. Lena Leno.