Acupressure-Labor Induction

Have you been tempted to try any natural remedies for inducing labor? Maternity Acupressure is can be used very effectively and safely to induce labor.

Maternity acupressure can be used in a variety of ways to help a woman in labor and most effectively in pain management. Here is an example of one of the many points that help relieve labor pain.

These points lie along the crease of the palm where the fingers join the palm. Stimulating these points help release endorphins (the body’s natural painkillers) into the body.

You can stimulate these points by holding a small comb, as pictured below. Grip the comb during contractions to stimulate the acupressure points on your hand with the teeth of the comb. These points work very well for some women but some women are more sensitive to other acupressure points.

Read a review of Easier, Shorter and Safer Birth using Maternity Acupressure by Dr. Lena Leno.

Start learning the techniques now with this easy to follow, step by step guide complete with illustrations. Click here to find more acupressure points.