Acupressure Can Induce Labor

Acupressure can induce labor but not only that, it is also a very effective pain relief method during labor that works without slowing down labor. This is one of the concerns with using medical pain relief such as epidurals.

Acupressure works similarly to how acupuncture works but without the needles. It stimulates specific points in the body which in turn stimulates the nervous system to release hormones that start contractions and induce labor. The babies head is encouraged to descend and engage earlier than normal.

Here is the evidence that it works:

The Complementary Therapy and Medicine Journal published a study in 2005 that found that women using acupressure went into labor more often and for a shorter time than the women who were not using any acupressure techniques.

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published a study in 2004. This study showed tthat by stimulating one single pressure point, labor pain was signficantly reduced.

Maternity acupressure
is an extremely simple hands-on technique involving the use fingers and thumbs to apply pressure onto specific, sensitive pressure points on the body. During labor, acupressure can be used to strengthen contractions and help the cervix to dilate. These shorten the labor process.

Read a review of Easier, Shorter and Safer Birth using Maternity Acupressure by Dr. Lena Leno.

With simple basic instructions on where the pressure points are and how to apply pressure to them, you can safely use maternity acupressure at home to naturally induce your labor. Acupressure can induce labor and is now a recommended method to self induce labor naturally by midwives and health professionals.